Treat Insomnia With Natural Juices

It treats insomnia, a sleep disorder that can affect your quality of life and is caused by a hectic lifestyle, stress and constant worries.
Treat insomnia with natural juices

Treat insomnia, which is a sleep disorder that can affect your quality of life. It is caused by several factors: hectic lifestyle, involvement in many activities, stress and constant worries.

According to the World Health Organization, up to 40% of the world’s population suffers from a certain sleep disorder. Experts say that these individuals are easily recognizable, as they usually show sudden mood swings, having difficulty adjusting to work or everyday life. Insomnia is a major concern for health professionals, as so far more than 80 sleep disorders have been discovered.

Are you part of this group of people who suffer from insomnia? If so, then you should know that it is very important to deal with this problem as soon as possible, in order to prevent the negative effects it has on your health. In today’s article, we present five recipes for juices and smoothies that relax you, treat insomnia and help you sleep better.

Green juice that treats insomnia

This green juice combines a variety of nutrients that help the body relax and fight insomnia. Green juice improves sleep quality, has a positive effect on digestion, fights stress and high blood pressure.


  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 piece of ginger root
  • The juice of 1 lemon
  • 1 green apple (peeled)
  • 9 asparagus stalks
  • 2 stalks of celery

Method of preparation

  • Soak the asparagus stalks in cold water for about an hour.
  • Cut the cucumber and apple into large pieces.
  • Put the cucumber, apple, celery and ginger in a blender. Strain the water in which you soaked the asparagus stalks and pour it over the other ingredients, along with the lemon juice.
  • Mix everything for a few minutes and drink this juice every day after lunch.

Lettuce and cucumber juice

Cucumber juice treats insomnia

This wonderful juice is obtained from two very effective ingredients in combating insomnia. Lettuce contains important nutrients that help you enjoy a healthy sleep, driving away the feeling of anxiety. Cucumbers contain an amino acid known as tryptophan, which stimulates the production of serotonin, a hormone associated with good mood and restful sleep.


  • ½ lettuce head
  • 1 cucumber

Method of preparation

Cut the cucumbers into slices and separate the lettuce leaves. Add all the ingredients in the blender, pass them for a few minutes and drink the cold juice.

Lettuce and banana smoothie

Banana smoothie treats insomnia

This drink reduces stress and anxiety, helps to relax the whole body and treats insomnia.


  • 4 chamomile flowers
  • 90 grams of lettuce
  • 1 small banana
  • Lemon juice

Method of preparation

  • Make a chamomile flower tea and set it aside.
  • Wash and finely chop lettuce leaves.
  • Add the tea and other ingredients to the blender.
  • Stir for a few minutes and drink the cold smoothie half an hour before bed.

Peach and apple juice

Green apples treat insomnia

This juice has a delicious taste and is a great way to enjoy a restful sleep.


  • 3 peaches
  • 1 apple
  • 1 small bundle of mint threads

Method of preparation

  • Wash, clean and slice peaches and apples. Add all the ingredients in the blender, pass them for a few seconds and drink the cold liquid without straining it.
  • Consume this drink at least half an hour before bedtime.

Carrot and spinach juice

Carrot juice treats insomnia

This juice is an excellent source of antioxidants and nutrients that help improve sleep quality, while providing other health benefits. For best results, try to drink it half an hour before bed.


  • 1 carrot
  • 5 spinach leaves
  • The water

Method of preparation

  • Add all the ingredients and pass them in a blender until you get a fine mixture.
  • Serve the juice without straining it, half an hour before bedtime.

If you are unable to fight insomnia naturally, you can consult a specialist to discuss another type of treatment. It is important to pay attention to this condition, as if left untreated, it can cause more serious problems in the long run.

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