Treatment Of Irritable Bowel Syndrome With 4 Foods

Although each of us should know what foods are good or bad for us, certain products such as fruits and vegetables are recommended for all those who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome.
Treatment of irritable bowel syndrome with 4 foods

Irritable bowel syndrome causes, among other things, drastic changes in intestinal transit and severe abdominal pain. The patient may experience alternate episodes of diarrhea and constipation, and the disease is closely related to what we eat. Fortunately, it is not a serious disease and, in most cases, can be controlled by improving lifestyle and diet. What does it mean to treat irritable bowel syndrome?

Below you will find out what foods you should eat and what you should avoid to treat irritable bowel syndrome. Of course, the following tips cannot replace the instructions received from the doctor, but can only complete them.

What is irritable bowel syndrome?

According to specialists from the Clinina of the University of Navarra, irritable bowel syndrome is a chronic disease characterized by abdominal pain and changes in bowel rhythm.

We can say that it is a set of signs and symptoms that are usually manifested by intestinal discomfort and diarrhea. Its incidence may even vary depending on where you live.

In developed countries, for example, it can be directly associated with stress and eating habits. And the mood influences the appearance of irritable bowel syndrome, the mood having a direct impact on intestinal secretions and causing diarrhea. This problem affects people of all ages.

How is it diagnosed by medical specialists?

In order for a person to be diagnosed with this condition, they must experience abdominal pain for 3 consecutive days. In addition, this signal may be accompanied by:

  • Worsening of symptoms after changes in the size or color of the stools;
  • Appearance of symptoms after changing the frequency of bowel movements;
  • Relief of symptoms after a bowel movement.

According to specialists from the MDS Manual, the diagnosis depends on the patient’s physical evaluation and certain tests (blood tests, ultrasound, radiography or colonoscopy).

What changes do you need to make if you have irritable bowel syndrome?

Although each patient needs a personalized diet, there are some general tips that all affected people should follow:

Treatment of irritable bowel syndrome with fiber

High fiber foods
  • On the one hand, reduce your intake of insoluble fiber (which comes from whole foods such as pasta, bread and cereals), so as not to further unbalance your bowel movements.
  • On the other hand, increase your intake of soluble fiber. They stimulate the production of stools and support an optimal frequency of bowel movements. You can get them from legumes, fruits and vegetables.

Avoid fats and sugar

Foods high in fat, refined sugars and fructose (a type of sugar found in fruits such as apricots and cherries) can aggravate the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, according to dietitian and nutritionist Juana María González Prada.

Be careful what you drink

  • Coffee and tea should be consumed in moderation. As much as possible, avoid alcohol.
  • Also, don’t forget to drink enough water every day. This way, your whole body will be hydrated and the stools will form more easily.
  • Herbal water and teas (such as chamomile) are useful in combating constipation.

Keep your stress level under control

Woman meditating in bed

An essential step in treating irritable bowel syndrome is to keep your worries, mood and anxiety under control. Although it is not easy at all, you must do what you can to prevent stress from overwhelming you.

Our attitude and the way we approach a certain situation are the most important factors. Don’t worry too much, don’t allow problems at work to follow you home, dedicate time to your hobbies and sleep well. If you choose to supplement the above measures with a healthy diet, the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome will improve in a short time.

The best foods for treating irritable bowel syndrome

Eating habits have a direct impact on irritable bowel syndrome. The most important factors are the frequency with which you eat and the quality of the food consumed. It is best to eat often, but in small amounts. For example, if you are used to serving 3 large meals a day, try to divide these meals in two so that you end up serving 6.

Don’t forget to chew well every Sunday and eat slowly. Haste causes intestinal gas and indigestion, so set aside enough time to eat.

Another good idea is to make a meal plan. Try to serve breakfast, lunch and dinner at the same time each day.

Recommended foods for treating irritable bowel syndrome include:


Jars of fruit jam to treat irritable bowel syndrome

We advise you to serve peeled and, as far as possible, cooked or ripe fruit. You can opt for apples, watermelon, melon and bananas.

The vegetables

Steam them so that they do not lose their nutrients and are easier to digest. The best options are peas, asparagus, onions and garlic.

Legumes and cereals

Peas, lentils and soybeans can be very helpful for people suffering from irritable bowel syndrome. As for cereals, we advise you to try wheat, barley and rye.

Dairy products

Glass of milk next to oats

If you suffer from lactose intolerance, you can opt for vegetable milk. Otherwise, dairy products will not hurt you as long as they are defatted.

Doubts or discomfort? See your doctor!

If in doubt, it is best to consult a doctor. It is not advisable to eat remedies or foods if you are not sure how they will affect your body.

On the other hand, keep in mind that no food, drink or natural remedy can replace the treatment prescribed by your doctor. In any case, they can complete it.

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