Treatments For Vaginal Infections

In addition to proper personal hygiene, it is a good idea to take food into account so that it does not support the growth of bacteria and fungi. We advise you not to consume sugar or refined flour.
Treatments for vaginal infections

Many women frequently suffer from vaginal infections and all their unpleasant manifestations, including itching, stinging, irritation, increased urinary frequency and others. These problems not only affect the quality of daily life, but also the relationship with the partner. In this article you will discover the best treatments for vaginal infections.

Treatments for vaginal infections with baking soda

In case of an infection, the pH of the vagina will change, becoming more acidic. One way to bring this value back to normal is to apply a thin powder of baking soda directly to your lips. This will prevent the spread of bacteria and fungi.

Remember that it is generally not recommended to use regular gels or soaps for the intimate area, especially in case of vaginal infections, as they can alter the normal pH. You can choose organic, natural soaps based on glycerin or coconut oil – or even simpler, you can mix a little baking soda with hot water.

Treatments for vaginal infections with baking soda

Treatments for vaginal infections with garlic

Garlic is one of the best treatments for vaginal infections. By eating garlic you can increase your body’s resistance to disease. There is also a more direct way to fight vaginal infections.

Take a clove of garlic, peel it and prick it with a fork to remove the nutrients. Then insert the garlic directly into the vagina. You can wrap the garlic in a sterile gauze, which will help you extract it more easily at the end.

It is recommended to use this treatment before going to bed for three nights in a row.

Treatments for vaginal infections with garlic

Vaginal washings

Vaginal washings are performed using a silicone pump or irrigator. The liquid is inserted into the pump, and the other end, provided with a rubber cannula, is inserted into the vagina. By pressing the pump, the liquid will be directed into the body.

Hold for a few minutes, then allow the liquid to flow into the toilet bowl. These washes should always be warm at body temperature.

What is used for washing?

  • Thyme: Thyme is a useful medicinal plant for all types of infections, because it has antiseptic properties and helps to disinfect any part of the body, without altering its pH. Use a not very concentrated infusion.
  • Yogurt and sea salt: The combination of the two ingredients results in a very good medicine. Yogurt helps maintain a healthy vaginal flora, and sea salt restores normal pH and provides minerals. Use a mixture of 50% yogurt and 50% salt, very well mixed.
  • Unpasteurized apple cider vinegar: Vinegar has been used as a remedy for women’s problems since ancient times due to its effectiveness and low cost. It fights against pathogens. Don’t forget to always choose a fermented vinegar, which is harder to find nowadays. Use two tablespoons of vinegar to a liter of water.
  • Supplements for bacterial flora (Lactobacillus) administered orally or applied topically, mixed with a little water to form a paste.

Other treatments for vaginal infections

You need to be careful with your diet, give up habits that do not suit you and follow strict treatment – if necessary, under medical supervision.

It is extremely important to stop consuming sugar and processed flour. In addition, the positive effects will appear faster if you take Evening Primrose Oil and Borago in capsule form, which offers an increased intake of omega-6 fatty acids.

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