Tricks For Cleaning The Bathroom Effectively

Cleaning the bathroom frequently is important for your health. Learn how to accomplish this task with simple products that you can easily purchase. 
Tricks for cleaning the bathroom effectively

Cleaning the bathroom can be a frustrating activity. In addition to devoting a lot of time to them, the results do not always reflect the effort made. In this case, you can apply certain tricks to clean the bathroom effectively.

Strong chemicals are not always the best option  because they can contain harmful substances. During cleaning, they are released into the air and can affect your health. Therefore, it is advisable to opt for less aggressive chemicals and take the necessary precautions when using them.

But there are also extremely effective safe natural methods. It is worth trying them to get the best results.

Here are some tricks for cleaning the bathroom with simple and easy to buy ingredients!

Tricks for cleaning the bathroom starting with the toilet bowl

Tricks for cleaning the bathroom and toilet bowl

Most bacteria accumulate on the toilet bowl. Therefore, this object must be cleaned daily. If you do not have time, spray at least one solution for cleaning the toilet every day.

The inside of the toilet bowl should be cleaned with a chlorine-containing disinfectant. For this step, it is important to wear gloves and a protective mask. Add a small amount to the toilet, leave the product to act for a few minutes, then rub the surface with a brush and draw water.

If there are stains or other accumulated dirt, we recommend using a mixture of equal parts water and vinegar. Apply the solution obtained on the problem areas. Leave it on for 10 minutes, then draw the water.

To get the same effect, you can also use a cola-based drink. Pour the liquid on the stained or dirty area and leave it to act for 30 minutes, then rub the surface with a brush. Then repeat the procedure. Cola drinks also help clean the pipes.

Bathtub and sink

The bathtub is another place where stains and debris accumulate. In this case, the best solution is vinegar. Apply it with a sponge over the spots, leave it on for a few minutes, then rinse with water.

You can also use paper towels soaked in white vinegar. Put them on the stains, leave them to act for 15 minutes, set them aside and rinse with water.

When it comes to the sink, you need to pay close attention to the faucet and the drain. It is best to use a brush. Clean them both very well inside and out, at least once a week. This will prevent clogging.

The shower and the tiles

Tricks for cleaning the bathroom and tiles

The main difficulty in the shower is the accumulation of limestone. And in this case the best solution is vinegar. Prepare a mixture of equal parts of water and vinegar and put it in a spray bottle. Spray all metal parts of the shower. Then wipe all surfaces with a clean cloth.

You can use the same solution for tiles. If there are traces of salt, limestone or stains, spray plenty of liquid on the affected areas. Wait five minutes, then clean them.

Sometimes the spaces between the tiles can look dirty, even if they are white. The reason is the accumulation of dust and dirt. To clean these places, use a mixture of water and potassium carbonate. Mix equal parts of both ingredients, apply the solution with a toothbrush and clean the spaces between the tiles.

Cleaning the mold in the bathroom

Tricks for cleaning the bathroom with vinegar

These tricks for cleaning the bathroom must include a natural solution against mold. It accumulates in several places, such as the floor, the door frame and the corners of the room. For cleaning the mold, the best option is a mixture of equal parts of warm water, chlorine and detergent. 

Apply the mixture with a spray bottle on the areas where there is mold. Then use an old towel hanging from a broom to clean the affected surfaces. If there is mold on the carpet, soak the area in the prepared mixture. Leave the product to act for a few minutes, then rub well with a brush.

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