Try A Meat Roll Recipe

Although it seems like a difficult recipe, preparing a meat roll is much simpler than we think. It is also an ideal preparation to get extra protein, very helpful in developing muscle mass.
Try a meat roll recipe

This meat roll recipe is a rich source of animal protein and nutrients. It is also a preparation that gives you a lot of energy, which is why it is perfect to keep us active throughout the day.

The meat roll is great for those who are looking for a nutritious recipe, with healthy fats that do not increase cholesterol levels and do not require frying.

You may be wondering why it is a recommended source of nutrients? In principle, thanks to the weak proteins contained in the roll. Also, minced meat, which is the main ingredient, is rich in these substances. If you are looking for a healthy recipe to gain or maintain your muscle mass, a meat roll recipe is an excellent option.

As already mentioned, the recipe is very easy to prepare. You will soon fall in love with her. Just follow the steps below and respect the amount of ingredients we propose so as not to overdo it. Of course, if you want to prepare more portions, you can increase the quantities exponentially.

As for the garnish, you can choose from grilled vegetables, a delicious mashed potato or carrot, a mixed salad, steamed vegetables, etc. And if you want to enjoy the roll at lunch, we recommend a fruit smoothie for dessert.

Meat roll recipe – the original version

Try a meat roll recipe


  • One egg (60 g)
  • 2 chicken sausages (20 g)
  • 2 medium-sized onions (80 g)
  • A tablespoon and a half of salt (15 g)
  • 20 g of chopped coriander
  • A little ground black pepper
  • 250 g of sliced ​​turkey ham
  • 45 g canned ham (4 tbsp)
  • 700 g of minced pork or beef
  • A tablespoon and a half of garlic (15 g)
  • 250 g of cooked vegetables

Method of preparation

  1. Wash the vegetables well and place them on a plate.
  2. Beat the egg until the yolk and egg white mix well.
  3. Season the minced meat as follows: mix the chopped onion, garlic, salt, coriander and egg and add them to the meat.
  4. Preheat the oven to 200 ºC.
  5. Place the mixture on a rectangular aluminum foil and flatten the layer.
  6. The foil must be strong, so that it does not break when you roll it and put the preparation in the oven.
  7. Then start adding the filling over the meat roll. Add the chopped sausages, boiled vegetables and canned ham in the middle.
  8. Also, make sure that the filling is evenly distributed on the meat, without reaching the edge.
  9. Then roll the meat and make sure there are no holes left. 
  10. At the end, put the roll in a tray and bake it for 45 minutes. When ready, cut the roll into slices and serve with your favorite garnish.
Meat roll recipe with smoked ham

Some suggestions for this meat roll recipe

Although this meat roll recipe has minced pork or beef as its main ingredient, you can also use other types of meat. To prepare different variants of the recipe, you can use chicken or turkey, if these are your preferences. The preparation will be the same, but the result will be a softer meat roll.

When changing a meat roll recipe, you need to keep in mind that the nutritional values ​​will also change (but this is not necessarily a negative aspect). So, don’t hesitate to try this delicious meat roll recipe!

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