Try To Express The Love You Feel

It is important to show those around you the love you want from them. If you value a man, you do your best to prove him and make him happy. 
Try to express the love you feel

You’ve probably already learned by this age that if you love a person, you have to express your love. 

Some people just don’t know how to show their love, even if they feel it. Or, worse, I’m doing it wrong.

The feeling that your feelings are not shared, even if they exist, creates a void in your soul and an acute discomfort.

Believe it or not, in many couples the two distance themselves from each other not out of lack of love, but because one of them loses his patience. Did you go through something like that? Today we will analyze this situation.

If you love someone, you have to express your love

You don’t need to build a palace or be the protagonist of heroic acts and not even tell your partner every day how much you love him. The most interesting thing is that a man can love a lot without expressing it. Or he can express immense love without feeling it.

  • The key word is sincerity, coming from the other side and felt by you as well.
  • You have to receive and express love. This contributes to our emotional health, which also has an impact on physical health.
  • You can’t force someone to show you “how much” he loves you. People need to be spontaneous and let the simple things come up unexpectedly. Magic occurs when you don’t plan anything, when you let everything happen by itself. In addition, sincere reciprocity of feelings nourishes the love between two people and brings them both inner peace.

The love, affection and care of a man can be proved in various ways. All these means must have a meaning for you and a need. Some people make the mistake of thinking that their way of loving is the only one, without understanding the needs of the people around them.

You have to express your love through gestures and words

Some do not like to hug, caress or express in words what they feel. That is why he prefers to show his love by sleeping with his loved one, giving him gifts or simply being “present”.

But physical presence is not enough. The most painful type of loneliness is the one you feel when a person is right next to you. Even if she loves you, she is not able to prove it to you.

We all need love, understanding, intimacy and passion, these being the foundations of a healthy, stable and happy relationship. If there is no understanding or daily evidence of affection, the relationship will cool.

The importance of expressing feelings

In general, when we want something, we use certain strategies to achieve our goal. But what happens when we fulfill all our dreams? This is the real question.

Once you get something valuable, you have to value it. 

We do not all know how to proceed in this case, how to establish certain connections, how to create a space for personal development in a relationship.

Obviously, no one knows everything about interpersonal relationships, but when it comes to love, it is important to know what your partner’s needs are so that he can provide what he needs. 

  • If you want to be cherished, you must cherish those around you.
  • If you want to be recognized, you have to give them that recognition first.
  • If you want to be loved, you have to express your love for your loved ones.

The problem becomes even more complex when we realize that many people do not really know themselves.

Immature people who have not yet reached emotional maturity or who have not clearly defined their personal values ​​and needs tend to project their own unrecognized flaws on others.

And in these moments the real problem arises. So, let’s see what the people who love you should look like and what are the necessary conditions for a stable and happy couple relationship.

You have to express your love through admiration and respect


Your partner must be your accomplice, friend and boyfriend, but he must also feel admiration and respect.

You admire your partner because he enriches your life and that is why you chose him.

Sincere love is shown by simple things

People who love you must show you how they feel every day in the simplest ways. Evidence of illness should not be conditional or required. You need to focus on the simple things that make your life more beautiful.

Not only do you have to be present, but you also have to show that you are there with caresses, words, sincere looks. It’s not that hard. You don’t lose anything if you prove your affection.

On the contrary, the love you show makes you feel stronger, more fulfilled and in a deeper connection with yourself and the world around you.

It’s worth a try.

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