Types And Benefits Of Therapeutic Massage

Therapeutic massage varies depending on the physiotherapy technique used to treat bodily ailments. Today, we will take a look at the most common types of massage and their benefits.
Types and benefits of therapeutic massage

There are different types of therapeutic massage. Each type is divided into many other categories. But all these techniques are very useful in the treatment of body ailments, because they effectively reduce pain. In the following, you will discover the main benefits of therapeutic massage and its types!

Massage is the manipulation of tissues that consists in performing a rhythmic action with adequate intensity on certain points of the body. Manipulation takes place either on the superficial layers of the tissue or on the deep layers. Massages have a therapeutic, aesthetic and sporting purpose. Aesthetic massage has as its main purpose the beautification, while the sports massage is indicated before and after the physical activity.

Benefits of therapeutic massage

Types of therapeutic massage

The benefits of therapeutic massage
The different types of massages vary depending on the technique used and the therapeutic purpose.

  • Friction
  • Compression
  • Vibration


It is about the uniform and slow rubbing of an area of ​​the body. In general, it can be longitudinal or circular. It is very important not to rub tissues that do not need treatment.

Deep rubbing is a type of massage included in this category. Its purpose is to relax the muscles and stimulate blood and lymph circulation. To stimulate blood circulation, massage tries to stimulate venous return.

In its superficial version, sliding by friction can intensify blood circulation to external tissues, such as the skin, and can stimulate dermal regeneration.


In general, this is one of the most energetic types of therapeutic massage, along with percussion. Kneading tries to detach the superficial tissue from the deep layer, as well as to dislocate the muscle fibers. Thus, this technique combines movement, torsion and stretching movements, all performed rhythmically.

You can use kneading to remove toxic substances from the tissues, to stimulate muscle nutrition and to induce relaxation. Deep kneading can increase the contractile capacity of the muscles.

Chiropractor massaging a patient
The movements of this technique are short. Therapists need to use controlled pressure and usually do so with their fingertips. This type of massage is often used for the joints.


This technique is static, so there is no movement of the tissues. The therapist applies pressure to the problem area for half a minute to a minute, without moving his hands to the sides.


Percussion is one of the most energetic therapeutic massage techniques. There are two ways to do this: punch and slap. Often, therapists tap the affected area with the palms of their hands in a hollow position. Likewise, they hit the skin with the ulnar edge of the hands, maintaining constant pressure and high energy. In addition, therapists can do this without interrupting hand-skin contact.

Percussion increases blood circulation in the treated areas, nourishes muscles, increases muscle contractility and normalizes tone. Thanks to all these effects, many consider this type of massage to be a stimulating one. This is because the percussion improves the general condition of the person being massaged.


The movements of this massage technique are short and rhythmic. Also, the hands are in constant contact with the skin, and the therapist’s forearms perform static contractions that create vibrations. However, therapists get tired quickly when performing this maneuver. Muscle relaxation, stimulation of circulation and detachment of lung secretions in patients suffering from respiratory diseases are just some of the effects of percussion massage.

Do you like therapeutic massages? As you can see, their benefits outweigh the muscle recovery. Consult an expert in the field to determine what type of massage is best for you if you want to undergo this beneficial therapy.

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