Types Of Gangrene: What It Is And What Causes It

Gangrene is a serious disease that can turn into necrosis, causing the patient to die. In this article, we will talk about its symptoms, the different types that exist, the treatment and the risk groups.
Types of gangrene: what it is and what causes it

Gangrene is a serious disease that affects the tissues, causing their death (necrosis). The bacterium known as Clostridium perfringens is normally the one that leads to its appearance. But there are other reasons why a person could be affected by this problem. In this article, we will discuss the different types of gangrene and how they occur.

In addition, we will talk about the symptoms of this disease and the importance of going to a doctor as soon as possible to prevent the worsening of the disease and even death.

Types of gangrene

This first type of gangrene occurs, as indicated in the study Mionecrosis due to Clostridium: a disease of all times, when arteries and tissues are blocked, preventing blood flow to reach the affected area.

One of the reasons this happens, in most cases, is a vascular collapse that accompanies diabetes. But the problem can also occur in people who have suffered an injury due to frostbite or arteriosclerosis. Treatment consists of vascular surgery, as long as the problem is detected in time.

2. Wet gangrene

Doctor examining types of gangrene
Gangrene can occur as a consequence of a wound infection.

Gangrene gas is characterized by rapid progression, as indicated in the article Gas Gangrene: Presentation of a Case. As the article notes, traumatic injuries are the most common cause.

Gaseous gangrene evolves through the appearance of edema (swelling) that hinders blood circulation. The only way to combat it is to remove the damaged tissue as soon as possible.

This last type of gangrene has a notorious characteristic: it affects the perineum and the surrounding area, both in men and women. Fortunately, he is not a very common guy. However, when it does form, it tends to occur in the elderly.

Fournier gangrene is very serious and requires invasive surgery that may involve amputation of the genitals. In some cases, once the surgeons remove the necrotic tissue, they also make a skin graft.


Leg with gangrene
Pay attention to the symptoms of gangrene to quickly identify and treat it in time.

Now that we have seen the most common types of gangrene, as well as possible treatments, it is vital to describe the most important aspect: the symptoms.

Knowing what to look for and when to seek emergency medical care will help you, if you have gas gangrene, to avoid the fatal consequences. Remember that gangrene turns into necrosis and, if left untreated, can lead to death. The following symptoms are common:

Risk groups

A person with diabetes
Patients with diabetes are more susceptible to this disease due to vascular problems.

People with diabetes, certain types of vascular disease or cancer are very prone to gangrene. These people, for any wound or injury, such as those mentioned above, should see a doctor for proper cleaning and analysis.

We hope this article has helped you get rid of any doubts you may have about this disease. Now that you have found out what the main types of gangrene are and how each manifests itself, you will know how to recognize the problem in time!

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