Watering The Bed In Children: What To Do?

Watering the bed at night is very common in childhood. In fact, it affects both parents and children and can last for a long time. Find out how you can eliminate this problem!
Watering the bed for children: what to do?

Urinary incontinence is common during childhood, up to the age of 5 years. In fact, watering the bed in children can happen both day and night. This can be very inconvenient for children and adults.

In this article, we will discuss in detail about watering the bed at night in children and about possible solutions to this problem. Read more!

What is bed wetting in children?

Bedwetting is the medical term for involuntary urination. It can happen during the day or, most often, at night.

This disorder is very common in young children. In fact, it affects 12% of 6-year-olds and 7% of 10-year-olds. The problem affects boys more and usually disappears in adolescence. However, in a small percentage of cases, the disorder does not heal, affecting even people over 20 years of age. This causes various social and psychological problems.

Involuntary urination is a normal phenomenon that occurs at certain stages of a child’s development. Most children cannot control their bladder and sphincter before the age of 3. At this stage, watering the bed at night is not a problem, as it is normal in young children.

Woman with urinary problems

However, after the age of 3, children learn how to control their bladder. They feel when it is full and can go to the toilet. However, night control is more difficult to achieve and more difficult to achieve. Therefore, watering the bed at night is very common in children up to the age of 6 years.

Frequency as a diagnostic criterion

Currently, doctors have different diagnostic criteria. It all depends on the frequency of watering the beds.

To diagnose the problem, watering the bed should occur once or twice a week. In any case, in order to obtain a correct diagnosis and treatment, it is important that each case be approached individually.

Treatment also differs in young children and adolescents. In young children, the problem is normal, while in adolescents, one episode may be enough to diagnose a condition.

Causes of urinating in bed in children

Almost always, this disorder occurs due to the fact that, while sleeping, the child does not have control of the bladder. Therefore, he does not know that it is full and urinates involuntarily.

In a small number of cases, the phenomenon is related to other diseases. For example, it could be diabetes or urinary tract problems. In this case, watering the bed also happens during the day, and the treatment is different.

Watering the bed for children: what to do?

In many cases, this situation does not require treatment. When it happens to children under the age of 5, it is considered a normal and temporary problem. As the children grow, the watering of the bed disappears by itself.

However, there are some recommendations that can help children have fewer episodes of nocturnal enuresis. They are, in fact, a behavioral treatment, trying to explain the reason for the problem to both parents and children. This way, you can try and minimize the problem.

Some tips you can follow are:

Medications are used only in extreme cases. In these situations, drugs have the role of reducing the desire to urinate or control sleep.

In conclusion, although bed wetting at night is common in young children, it is important to pay attention to it. Behavioral therapies and constant family support are important to overcome the situation.

In addition, it is important that each case be examined by a doctor. He will know if watering the bed in children hides another problem.

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