Weight Loss Without Starvation – 6 Useful Tricks

If you want to lose weight, you have to learn to differentiate between hunger and thirst. Try to drink a glass of water every time you feel hungry, to make sure you really have to eat.
Weight loss without starvation - 6 useful tricks

Is weight loss without starvation a goal for you? Unfortunately, many people feel that losing weight and starving are synonymous. But what you may not know is that, in reality, continuous hunger slows down the metabolism, facilitating fattening.

In today’s article we propose 6 simple strategies that will improve your lifestyle. Follow the tips below and you will be convinced that weight loss without starvation is really possible.

1. Don’t skip meals

Weight loss without starvation maintains the figure

Jumping over the table triggers the body’s energy conservation mechanisms. In other words, our body begins to consume less energy and, in addition, the next meal we serve will be more copious due to the feeling of hunger that overwhelms us.

The body will also try to conserve the energy it receives, especially in the form of fat that is deposited in the abdomen. These fat deposits increase the risk of hepatic steatosis (fatty liver) and cardiovascular disease.

Taking into account all the aspects detailed above, we can conclude that skipping meals supports the accumulation of extra pounds.

  • One way to stimulate weight loss without starvation is to serve all three main meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner), plus a snack between them.
  • Thus, you will get all the nutrients you need, you will prevent metabolic problems and you will maintain an ideal weight.

2. Fiber stimulates weight loss without starvation

Vegetables and fruits provide fiber that forces you to chew food better and that “trick” your brain so that you feel full, even if you serve smaller portions.

As for the stomach, the soluble fibers support its emptying. At the same time, they increase the distension, which helps you feel “full” for longer.

Ingested food circulates harder through the small intestine. A sufficient intake of fiber leads to the formation of a viscous layer that facilitates the absorption of glucose, lipids and amino acids.

Last but not least, fiber stimulates the production of bile salts and reduces cholesterol levels. Including them in your daily diet is an essential step to lose weight without starvation. You can get fiber by consuming whole grains, vegetables and fruits.

3. Carefully monitor the quality of the food you serve

Woman opting for weight loss without starvation

The extra pounds tend to be the consequence of unhealthy meals and snacks.

If you are used to eating sweets with refined sugars or foods rich in saturated fats, your fat reserves will increase. This has a direct impact on body weight and overall health.

So, it is important to say yes to beneficial food options, especially when it comes to snacks. Weight loss without starvation will be much easier if you take this measure. Eat foods that are important sources of nutrients, high quality carbohydrates and fiber, such as:

  • Fleshy fruits
  • Whole grain biscuits
  • The vegetables
  • Low protein sources (certain types of cheese, tuna and yogurt)
  • Hot infusions, such as green tea or chamomile tea
  • Chocolate with at least 70% cocoa
  • Oilseeds and seeds

If you love sweets or very salty foods and you also like products, opt for more natural options:

  • Use honey as a sweetener.
  • Make a savory snack as soon as you get home. You can also add a few spices to intensify its taste.
  • Sweeten fruit dishes, not commercial sugars.

4. Keep your anxiety level under control

An obstacle that often prevents us from losing weight is the anxiety that occurs at certain times of the day, especially in the afternoon. The real cause of the anxiety associated with eating is still unknown.

But experts have identified a number of factors that could influence this type of anxiety:

  • Psychosomatic comfort
  • Cognitive distraction
  • Trying to camouflage other emotions

Although it is not easy to keep anxiety under control, it is not impossible. Willpower is essential to success.

A diet that does not involve starvation involves setting goals that are easy to achieve and having enough willpower to leave your comfort zone. Remember, you eat to live, not the other way around!

5. Drink enough water

Water supports weight loss without starvation

70% of the human body is made up of water. Obviously, this liquid is indispensable for life. Often, however, we fail to consume even half of the amount of water our body needs to function optimally. As a result, we end up confusing thirst with hunger.

According to some studies *, this confusion is caused by the same neural mechanisms that stimulate hunger. In addition, those mechanisms are not very selective.

To lose weight without starving yourself, it is essential to drink water when you are hungry, but also after eating. The ideal amount of water you should drink a day is 6-8 glasses.

6. Plan your meals

If weight loss without starvation is a goal for you, you need to plan your meals as soon as you step into the supermarket. Try to set a weekly menu before you go shopping. By planning, you will know what products you need to buy, as well as the quantities you need.

At the same time, you will spend less time looking for the food you need. Then you can cook various dishes and serve them at one of the tables or put them in the freezer and reheat them later.

Planning allows you to determine what foods appeal to you, as well as how you can cook them so that you do not get bored.

Implement the 6 strategies presented in this article and you will lose weight without starving in a short time. Avoid the recoil effect to keep your muscles and burn fat more efficiently.

Why not lose weight without starving yourself today?

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