What Are The Causes Of Tingling In The Joints?

Joint tingling is common and usually temporary, with various causes. In some cases, this problem can become chronic. In the lines below we show you what can be the causes of tingling in the joints and how you can prevent problems in these areas of the body. 
What are the causes of tingling in the joints?

Tingling in the wrist area can be worrisome. Some people feel them in the body immediately after waking up. However, in some cases, this sensation is not caused by numbness or incorrect posture. In fact, the causes of tingling in the joints are diverse.

What are joints?

Joints are the points of connection between two or more bones or between bones and cartilage. They facilitate the mobility of the body. In short, the wrists allow the movement of the hands, feet and back.

Between the bones that form a joint is an elastic, flexible tissue called articular cartilage. Cartilage prevents the bones from rubbing against each other, acting as a shock absorber or liner.

The joint is surrounded by a “joint capsule” that supports the entire system. This is in turn supported by ligaments that prevent rapid joint damage.

Why do you feel tingling in your wrists?

Causes of tingling in the joints of the arms

There are many ailments and problems that can affect the joints. One of the first symptoms is tingling in the joints of the hands, feet and arms.

Sometimes tingling appears and disappears seemingly unjustifiably. In this case, the body probably solved the problem on its own. But if the sensation is chronic and you have been feeling it for a long time, it is advisable to go to the doctor.

Causes of tingling in the joints

In general, the causes of tingling in the joints are:

Rheumatoid arthritis

Causes of tingling in the joints such as rheumatoid arthritis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis is inflammation of the joints and can affect several joints. In general, the condition is present in the fingers, arms and knees.
  • In general, the disease begins in patients between the ages of 30 and 60 and is more common among women. In contrast, there are no differences in race or geographical location when it comes to its incidence.
  • People with rheumatoid arthritis have reduced mobility. Tingling in the wrists is followed by sharp pain.
  • The condition occurs when calcium deposits build up in the joints. Subsequently, tingling is felt, and the cartilage gradually weakens and deteriorates, accentuating the pain.
  • Symptoms are usually present in the wrists, fingers and knees, but other joints can be affected. Rheumatoid arthritis is associated with osteoarthritis and thyroid dysfunction.
  • This disease is painful, but it does not destroy the joint.


Osteomyelitis is an infection of the bones caused by a bacterium or fungus. The germs reach the bone through the blood, and if they find a “good” place in the joint, they damage it.

The first symptom of osteomyelitis is tingling in the wrist area, but then the pain intensifies. This disease is treated with antibiotics and affects both adults and children.


  • Lupus is an autoimmune disease. Instead of protecting the body as it should, the immune system attacks healthy tissues,  affecting various areas of the body.
  • Lupus can be one of the causes of tingling in the joints, indicating that the disease has affected the bones or cartilage.
  • Unfortunately, lupus has no cure, but it can be kept under control.

Tips to prevent joint problems

Causes of tingling in the joints of the feet

Diet is very important. Certain foods provide the body with the nutrients it needs to prevent joint pain and the underlying conditions of this symptom.

  • Omega 3 fatty acids are very effective because they reduce inflammation and slow down the process of damage to joint cartilage. These nutrients are found in fatty fish and flax seeds, but can also be taken as a dietary supplement.
  • Celery is a diuretic and contains antioxidants. It is recommended for detoxifying and remineralizing the body. You can eat celery in salads, smoothies or teas.
  • Nettle is a detoxifier and relieves the symptoms of arthritis. It can be consumed or applied on the joints in the form of tincture (the plant is crushed and soaked in alcohol).
  • Ginger is a powerful anti-inflammatory and analgesic. You can consume it in the form of tea or you can add it grated to food.

A healthy diet is very useful in preventing disease. But do not forget that only a doctor can discover the causes of tingling in the joints in each patient. Therefore, if symptoms persist, we recommend that you see a doctor.

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