What Are The Effects Of The Moon On People?

The effects of the moon on people are many. Find out more useful information in the following lines!
What are the effects of the moon on people?

The moon is the Earth’s natural satellite. It gives us a wonderful view and is the “protagonist” of many interesting stories. No wonder many people are wondering what the effects of the moon are on people. How exactly does this heavenly body affect, inspire and stimulate our imagination? It is said that the moon influences the tide, but also human behavior. Thus, our mood and decisions may change depending on the phases of the month. At the same time, the moon seems to affect sleep, especially when it is full. During this phase, we fall asleep harder or sleep worse.

Popular beliefs about the effects of the moon on people

The belief that the moon influences human behavior is thousands of years old. It is believed that the energy of the moon is so strong that it can change our lives. In addition, since ancient times, people have believed that the moon has an effect on waves, crops, animals and human emotions.

To date, there are no scientific data to validate all these beliefs. But this did not stop people from still believing in the power of the moon and organizing their activities according to its phases.

Phases of the moon and their effects

The effects of the moon on people depending on its phases

New Moon

The new moon lasts about 3 days. It is said that this phase is best for detoxifying the body. This is considered the ideal time to start new things. The new moon is the best time to create new habits, giving up those that do not please you or do not bring you any benefit. In addition, this phase of the moon invites you to peace and introspection.

The first square

The effects of the moon on people in the first square

During this phase, the Earth’s natural satellite is only half visible. The first square is a period of prosperity, health and vitality. If you want to start a new project, a business or even an exercise program, this is the right time.

It is considered that the first square gives people positive energy and influences our actions in the same way. Many also say that this period is the most suitable to cut your hair, because it will grow faster and will be more resistant and shiny.

Full moon

At this stage, the moon is perfectly round and radiates sunlight. The effects of the moon on people are very strong when it is full. It seems that many people now suffer from mild or even sudden mood swings. The full moon is associated with euphoria and excesses, but also with abundance and fulfillment. It is said that during this period all people become “lunatic”, because the energy of the moon is stronger than usual.

The last square

The effects of the moon on people at the last square

The last square represents the “death” of this heavenly body. This is the last phase of the month, before the start of the new cycle. This is considered to be the ideal time for decision making and maturation. At the same time, according to popular beliefs, the  problems and negative mental states diminish during the last quarter. 

4 known myths about the effects of the moon on people

1. The moon influences fertility

It is said that on a full moon, women are more likely to get pregnant, especially if they sleep in its light. In addition, the moon is generally associated with fertility.

2. Intense passion when the moon is full

The effects of the moon on people in terms of love relationships

The full moon intensifies the passion and sensuality between the partners. At the same time, this natural satellite has always been given a romantic aura.

3. The wedding during the first square

According to popular belief, if two people get married during the first square, this will be beneficial to their relationship. In other words, the marriage will be prosperous and lasting. The reason is that the first square is a phase of “growth”, having a positive influence on all aspects of life.

4. The month of “bleeding”

The effects of the moon on people when there is bleeding

When the moon has a reddish tinge, people think it is full of “blood.” According to myths, in these moments, the moon emanates a dangerous energy for people, because it reveals the resentment and hatred felt towards those around them.

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