What Are Toxins And How Do They Work In The Body?

To eliminate toxins from the body, it is important to adopt a healthy diet and hydrate properly. Your liver and kidneys are your biggest allies.
What are toxins and how do they work in the body?

In recent years, the media has been talking to us about toxins, the famous detox diets or the best way to exercise to eliminate them. However, few people really know what toxins are and why we should detoxify our body.

Toxins are harmful substances produced by cells, whether they are plants, animals or bacteria. In our case, they can be produced by the body or can come from outside.

When toxins accumulate in the body, they cause damage to cells and tissues. Therefore, in this article, we will explain where these substances come from and what we can do to eliminate them.

What are toxins?

As mentioned, toxins are substances that can be harmful to cells and tissues. They can be small molecules, proteins or other elements that come from both the outside and the inside of the body.

First of all, we must mention that the body produces toxins all the time, due to the metabolic processes we need to survive. For example, the mechanism by which cells obtain energy produces free radicals.

Free radicals are unstable molecules that are considered toxins because they can cause damage to cells when they accumulate. We also produce many toxins when we eat, breathe or consume substances such as tobacco.

But we have mechanisms that allow us to neutralize all these toxins or eliminate them. When neutralized, toxins cannot reach very high levels, which would be very harmful to the tissues.

The two most important organs in neutralizing and eliminating toxins are the liver and kidney. Through urine and feces, we expel a large amount of toxins.

It is essential that these organs function properly, so that they purify the body properly. Kidney and liver disease alter the detoxification process and delay the elimination of free radicals, affecting, for example, the aging process.

What are the toxins that accumulate in the liver
The liver is a key organ for detoxifying the human body.

Other important toxins

How can you eliminate toxins from the body?

Fruits and vegetables for detoxification
There is no clear evidence of the effectiveness of “detox diets”.

Although there are many diets and detoxification formulas, there is still no scientific evidence of their benefits. But it is true that in order to eliminate harmful substances from the body, it is necessary for the organs to function properly, especially the liver and kidneys.

Therefore, it is very important to hydrate well and drink between 1.5 and 2 liters (6-8 cups) of water a day. This helps the kidneys to produce more urine and cleanse themselves more often.

Logically, if you reduce the harmful substances you ingest, you will enjoy better health. You can do this, for example, by eliminating alcohol, tobacco, or processed and high-fat foods. In addition, you should add more fruits and vegetables to your diet.

Diets are not the only way to detoxify

These two aspects seem to be correlated.

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