What Happens In Our Body When We Drink Coca Cola?

We already know about Coca Cola that it can clean the car’s engine or unclog the pipes. These things help us get an idea of ​​what kind of ingredients this drink contains.
What happens in our body when we drink Coca Cola?

Thanks to research in recent years, something we all feared has come true: Coca Cola has serious effects on health, right from the first drop swallowed.  When we drink Coca Cola, our body suffers.

Until now, for many years, there have been numerous medical campaigns trying to persuade people not to consume carbonated beverages such as Coca Cola.

However, statistics show that the number of people consuming this product is still alarming, as it has been estimated that 1.6 billion Coca Cola products are consumed every day worldwide.

What harmful effects does Coca Cola have?

Coca Cola contains many ingredients that are harmful to health, with a short-term or long-term effect. A bottle or a dose of juice contains 10 teaspoons of sugar and other chemicals that affect important organs in our body.

What happens when in our body we drink Coca Cola?

  • After 10 minutes: when we consume 10 teaspoons of sugar, their effect on the body is disastrous. The reason we do not eliminate Coca Cola through vomiting is the production of phosphoric acid in the body.
  • After 20 minutes: glucose causes an increase in insulin levels, which causes the liver to turn all the sugar into fat. Remember that a single bottle or dose of Coca Cola contains up to 10 teaspoons of sugar.
  • After 40 minutes: our body has finished absorbing caffeine. As a result, the pupils dilate, blood pressure rises, and the liver releases more sugar into the blood. Adenosine receptors (present during sleep) are thus blocked, so we no longer feel tired.
  • After 45 minutes: the body begins to produce more dopamine, a substance that stimulates pleasure centers in the brain. This effect is compared to that produced by heroin.
  • After 60 minutes: after an hour we may feel the need to urinate. However, we do not realize that in this way we eliminate calcium, magnesium and zinc, essential elements for bones, but also other substances that have not been absorbed into the body. As time goes on, our blood sugar drops and we start to move harder.

What harmful substances does Coca Cola contain?

When we drink Coca Cola, we are affected by the high sugar content

As we have seen, it is not at all recommended to drink Coca Cola. In addition to sugar, this juice also contains other substances harmful to health. Here is a list of the most important ingredients and their effects on health:

  • Carbonated water: this ingredient stimulates gastric secretion, increasing acidity and causing intestinal gas.
  • Sodium cyclamate , a sweetener: this ingredient produces a taste up to 200 times sweeter than sugar. Research has shown that this additive increases the risk of bladder cancer. That’s why the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) banned its use in the United States in 1969.
  • Aspartame:  This is another sweetener banned by the FDA in the United States. When exposed to high temperatures, aspartame turns into methanol (alcohol) and phenylalanine, two substances that destroy the optic nerve and cause vision loss.
  • Phosphoric acid: this is a very strong component that can irritate the skin and eyes.

Alternatives to using Coca Cola

It is not advisable to drink Coca Cola, but we can use this drink for other purposes.

  • Coca Cola can be used to clean car engines.
  • In the United States, police use Coca Cola to clean up blood on the road after a car accident or murder.
  • Coca Cola is used to remove rust stains from chrome surfaces and to clean the corrosion of car batteries.
  • In India, farmers use Coca Cola as a pesticide to get rid of crop pests because it is cheap and very effective.
  • One of the most well-known and effective ways to use Coca Cola is as a product for unclogging pipes.

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