What Is Sologamy? Fashion To Marry You

We all know what monogamy and polygamy are, but how about sologamy? Find out what it means to marry you in this article!
What is sologamy?  The fashion to marry you

What is sologamy? Sologamia or the tendency to marry you is a fashionable subject, especially for those who believe that their happiness does not depend on others. Traditionally, many people believe in the myths of love. Therefore, they think they have to find the “other half”. However, this is beginning to change.

Now, a new group of individuals has emerged who have decided not to base their happiness on others. In other words, they are conceived as complete beings. This faith leads to marriage. Several women began to practice sologamy.

What is sologamy? It does not mean loneliness or loneliness

Those who observe these attitudes from the outside often believe that those who practice sologamy are single people or narcissistic individuals who do not know the happiness of sharing something with someone else.

The girl who knows what sologamy is

However, it is worth mentioning that sologamy is not loneliness or narcissism. Those who practice it have clearly shown that they are in the best possible company: themselves.

In fact, studies indicate that loneliness can be defined, according to Sullivan, as “an unpleasant experience, associated with a lack of interpersonal intimacy.” Other research defines this state as “the absence of attachment relationships, ie relationships that are particularly significant to the person and provide a secure basis.” But when it comes to sologamy, the sure basis is not another person, but exactly the person who practices it.

Marriage to you and legality

An important aspect is that sologamy, for the time being, is shrouded in a legal vacuum, because it does not appear in current laws. But this can change over time, as more and more women decide to make this commitment.

If this trend continues to grow, the legal system will eventually have to accept it.

A bride who knows what sologamy is

Engagement rings are not a problem. After all, when you marry yourself, you give yourself an engagement ring! This type of event has become so popular that there are even companies that organize the event.

These companies are dedicated to planning everything related to the event, so that nothing goes wrong that day. The most interesting part of these ceremonies is the reading of oaths.

Usually, most women say:

What is sologamy? Conclusion

Undoubtedly, marrying you is a very interesting trend. These weddings can take place on the beach or in a church, if you want. Nothing is too much when it comes to showing your self-love.

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