What To Eat When You Have The Flu For Healing

Keeping the immune system in optimal shape is essential to cope with any disease or infection. For this reason, your diet influences the body’s defenses. Find out how in this article!
What to eat when you have the flu for healing

When it cools outside, we tend to spend more time indoors, indoors and with other people who can infect us with viruses that cause colds and flu. A proper diet when you suffer from the flu or cold can help strengthen your immune system to prevent illness or alleviate symptoms. So what should you eat when you have the flu?

It is important to know what foods will help you strengthen your defenses so that you can combat the uncomfortable symptoms of a cold or flu as quickly as possible. In this article, we will explain what to include in your diet when you suffer from the flu.

Nutrition and health

Woman with the flu
If you get enough essential micronutrients through your diet, your body’s defenses will work better.

Hippocrates said 2500 years ago, “Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food.” This shows that Hippocrates, whom many call the father of medicine, knew very well that diet has a great influence on health.

The foods you eat during the day can positively or negatively affect your health. In fact, there are many micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) that contribute to the normal functioning of the immune system, such as copper, folic acid, iron, selenium, vitamin A, B12, B6, C and D and zinc.

The body needs all its resources to fight the disease, which is why it is useful to eat good quality food with a high content of nutrients and easy to digest. You should avoid hearty meals, as well as foods high in animal fats, sausages, fast food snacks or industrial products.

The flu diet should be a light diet, full of fruits, greens and vegetables, because they are easier to digest and will help you recover faster.

What to eat when you have the flu

1. Garlic

Garlic to eat when you have the flu
Its antimicrobial properties can help fight respiratory infections.

Foods to eat when you have the flu
This mineral strengthens your defenses, improving it to reduce the symptoms of the flu.


Foods that contain high levels of zinc can strengthen your immune system and prevent infections. If you already suffer from a cold, zinc can help you reduce the severity of your symptoms and heal faster.

These are some of the foods that contain zinc: legumes (dried beans, chickpeas, lentils, peas and soybeans), pumpkin seeds, whole grains, nuts, beef and eggs.

Other dietary tips for relieving the flu

Girl drinking tea for the flu
Hydration often allows you to more easily remove mucus and phlegm.

It seems that if you choose to consume 75 mg of zinc a day, you will help reduce the duration of the cold by 20-40%. Keep in mind that foods with the highest amount of zinc are white meat, seafood, nuts, whole grains and legumes.

As you can see, your diet should be balanced when you have the flu. In addition, getting enough sleep and moderate exercise can help you effectively treat the infection.

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