Wheat Germ Oil: 6 Benefits For Hair

Even though it has an oily texture, wheat germ oil does not fatten your hair, but nourishes it deeply. Learn more about its wonderful benefits in today’s article!
Wheat germ oil: 6 hair benefits

Wheat germ oil is a vegetable product obtained from the germs inside the wheat grains. This product stands out for its dark golden color and fine, hazelnut taste, but also for its rich content of essential nutrients.

Wheat germ oil has various medicinal and cosmetic applications. Some companies also use it as an ingredient in skin and hair care products. Once absorbed, wheat germ oil has a moisturizing, repairing and rejuvenating effect on hair. 

In addition, wheat germ oil is a source of essential fatty acids, antioxidants and high quality protein. All these nutrients prevent and treat many aesthetic problems.

Since many people have not tried it yet, we present below 6 benefits of wheat germ oil for hair health. 

Try it too!

1. Wheat germ oil stimulates hair growth

Wheat germ oil stimulates hair growth

Applied to the roots, wheat germ oil fights excessive hair loss and stimulates its growth. This product contains a high amount of B-complex vitamins, necessary for cell development and tissue formation.

Proteins in wheat germ oil strengthen follicles and hairs. They prevent breakage, excessive dryness and other changes that lead to hair loss.

In addition, its content of fatty acids and vitamin E regulates the production of sebum in the scalp  and keeps your hair thick, shiny and healthy.

2. Combats hair dryness

Healthy fats in wheat germ oil, such as linoleic acid and palmitic acid, are easily absorbed into the scalp and help moisturize dry hair.

The antioxidants in the composition of this oil fight oxidative damage caused by free radicals, but also pH imbalances that lead to hair drying.

Vitamins A, D and E strengthen hair and keep it hydrated and shiny. 

3. It acts as a natural conditioner

Wheat germ oil is a natural hair conditioner

With a fine texture and a high concentration of essential nutrients, river germ oil can successfully replace commercial hair conditioners. In addition to being cheaper, it offers many more benefits to hair than chemicals.

Its healthy fats keep hair shiny and untangle it, preventing hair from breaking when combed.

4. Tame rebellious threads

A small amount of wheat germ oil applied to the hair helps reduce the electrifying effect that leads to the appearance of rebellious strands.

Due to its texture, wheat germ oil moisturizes and smoothes hair. Thus, they no longer move when the wind blows or blows.

Even if it is an oily product, if used in small quantities, wheat germ oil does not alter the natural production of sebum and does not fatten the hair.

5. Protects the scalp

Wheat germ oil protects the scalp

Protein, vitamin E and essential fatty acids in this product are essential nutrients for scalp care. They regulate the natural pH of the skin and help eliminate dead cells accumulated on the surface of the scalp.

Massaging the scalp with wheat germ oil stimulates blood circulation in this area, improving cellular oxygenation and nutrient transport. In addition, this product has an antifungal and antibacterial effect, which prevents and treats dandruff and other fungal and bacterial infections.

6. Repair split ends

Even if split ends can’t always be repaired, it’s a good idea to moisturize them with wheat germ oil. In this way, they will get a much more pleasant appearance.

Linoleic acid, B vitamin complex and vitamin E act together, repairing damaged hair. These nutrients eliminate unsightly split ends.

How do you use wheat germ oil for hair care?

Wheat germ oil should be applied to the hair in moderate amounts

Wheat germ oil can be used on its own or as part of a hair care treatment. Depending on the needs of your hair ornament, you can apply it on the scalp, on the tips or on the entire surface of the hair.

  • It is best to use this remedy on a day when you have several free hours. The more time you have to let it work, the better. 
  • Always use a moderate amount. If you apply large amounts, it will be difficult to clean your hair with a normal wash.
  • Use wheat germ oil two or three times a week, depending on the type of treatment your hair needs.

Buy wheat germ oil from health food stores or cosmetics stores. Include it in your hair care routine and enjoy all the benefits it offers.

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