When You’re Tired And Feel The Need To Start Over

At some point in life, you get tired of everything and nothing motivates you. Dare to change your reality, even if it means starting over. 
When you are tired and feel the need to start over

There are times when you simply feel tired and realize that you have only one solution: to start over.

We get tired of all the noise around us. We get tired of dishonest words, scenes and people who do not support us in any way. 

In addition, we get tired of ourselves. The fact that we do not feel efficient, interesting or respected makes us tired. We no longer recognize the person we are looking at in the mirror.

In reality, people need very little to be happy. The “psychology of simplicity” reminds us that well-being is hidden in the satisfaction of essential needs, in the pure and fundamental dimensions of life: love, respect, freedom or the company of loved ones.

At certain moments, we feel an existential fatigue that means nothing more than unhappiness and the pressure of all the worries that burden our souls. One way to get rid of these sensations is to start over. But as we well know, this is not an easy task at all.

When everything around you falls apart, you have to start over

Emotional and psychological fatigue is very common among people. There are times when we feel overwhelmed by obligations and responsibilities.

The feeling of suffocation or saturation occurs when we are mentally and emotionally tired. This occurs due to the lack of reciprocity. You invest something, but you don’t get anything in return. You feed a lot of dreams, but none come true.

Let’s see exactly what this is about.

Sometimes you're too tired to start over

The emotional wreck and the feeling that you have to start over

The emotional wreck is the feeling that you are adrift, that you have got lost.

You have invested time and effort in certain people, in your relationships, in friends or work, and in the end you notice that it was not worth it or that nothing came out as you would have hoped.

  • You feel tired, day after day. You realize you’re weak. In addition, you notice that this fatigue changes the way you are or the behavior to the point where the feeling of evil is a constant in your life. All these “symptoms” indicate that there is an emotional irregularity.
  • When you get tired of everything and everything and nothing inspires you and no longer arouses your interest, you can consider that, in one way or another, you have reached the bottom of the glass.
  • This emotional wreck can last for weeks. But be careful, it should not last for more than two months. In this case, it may be depression.
  • We may feel depressed for a few weeks. We have every right to feel disappointed, demoralized or mentally tired. These feelings later help us to get back on our feet. But we must not let this situation become chronic.

Solutions to combat emotional fatigue and how to start over

If you can’t stand it anymore, react. If nothing arouses your interest, change.  If everything around you looks gray and dark, look for a brush and some colors.

If you only see false smiles and frivolous interactions around you, look for friendlier people, but never stay in the same place.

Some psychologists claim that reality “does not exist.” Everything we see around us is an interpretation offered by our minds. Thus, our thoughts and emotions are the basic elements.

But we all know that sometimes reality is as it is, harsh, complicated, even painful.

  • In order to change things in a way, it is important to know well the reality around us.
  • If, for example, you have a person by your side who does not make you happy, you need to find a solution. Sometimes it doesn’t make sense to look for culprits. Love disappears, the emotional connection falls apart and we have no choice, we have to accept the situation.
Sometimes you need a change and start over

The power of change and why you sometimes have to start over

If you are “tired” of yourself, take action. If you notice that your service and all the things around you no longer offer you a feeling of well-being, stop for a moment.

If you are not satisfied with your deeds or words, reflect. It’s time to “rebuild” yourself.

No matter what some say, people are able to change over time. The reason is life experiences.

  • If you notice that your tendency to always say “yes” causes you more problems than satisfaction, try to be more assertive. Protect your identity and self-esteem. And when necessary, say “no.”
  • Sometimes we have to start over to evolve personally and emotionally. Only in this way can we test our limits and discover what our strengths are. We need to create new situations and settings in which we are more satisfied with ourselves. We can even feel proud of ourselves.

If you’ve noticed you’re tired, think about yourself for a moment. You may feel overwhelmed by everything that is happening around you or in your heart.

Maybe it’s time to get rid of all your fears. Dare to take that step. Sometimes a small change is enough to create a new reality. A new reality that makes you happy.

Put these tips into practice. You deserve all the best.

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