Yucca Is Beneficial Against Arthritis

Yucca is very similar to the potato and can replace this food in many recipes. This vegetable relieves pain, inflammation and stiffness caused by arthritis.
Yucca is beneficial against arthritis

Yucca (also called cassava) is a root vegetable that grows in various parts of the Americas, Asia and Africa. Nowadays, it is available in grocery stores around the world. In today’s article we will explain why yucca is beneficial against arthritis. 

What is yucca?

On the outside, this vegetable looks like a wood, but it comes from a bush and is rich in carbohydrates, which is why it is a very energizing food.

Thanks to its texture, aroma and nutritional value, yucca is often compared to two other root vegetables: potatoes and sweet potatoes. In fact, these foods can be replaced with each other in various recipes.

Yucca is beneficial due to its rich nutrient content

The reason why yucca is beneficial against arthritis

According to some studies, yucca contains a compound called saponin, which has the ability to relieve joint pain associated with arthritis, while slowing down the process of bone damage.

Another great advantage of this root is that, unlike regular drug treatments, it does not produce any unwanted side effects.

Consumed daily, yucca is beneficial against arthritis, relieving pain, inflammation and stiffness caused by this disease.

Who can eat yucca?

Yucca is a very popular food in countries where it can be easily purchased. Thanks to its low price, it is a staple food in various parts of the world.

Yucca root peel provides energy, being an excellent nutritional option for children, teenagers, athletes and all those who are used to exerting a special physical effort.

Moreover, this root is very easy to digest, offering many benefits to those suffering from heartburn, gastric ulcer or gastritis.

Yucca is also beneficial for people with digestive disorders

How can yucca be consumed?

Yucca can be eaten both as a food and as a dietary supplement:

  • If you opt for the dietary supplement option, follow the treatment for three months, take a break for another three months and then start again. You can also take yucca supplements during an acute arthritis attack.
  • If you prefer to eat yucca at the table, you can cook it the same way you cook potatoes. Use it to make omelets or stews, boil it or fry it.

Yucca does not contain gluten and can be incorporated into various recipes beneficial to those suffering from celiac disease. The flour prepared from this vegetable can be used to bake bread and cakes that will have the same delicious flavor and texture as those prepared with regular flour.

Yucca bun


  • 1 ½ cup (300 ml) water
  • 1 cup extra virgin olive oil
  • 3 eggs
  • 2 teaspoons (10 g) sea salt
  • 200 g of cheese
  • 500 g of yucca flour
  • Optional spices: garlic, paprika, ground pepper, etc.

Method of preparation

  • Preheat the oven to 176 ° C (350 ° F).
  • Beat all the ingredients together until you get a smooth and homogeneous dough.
  • Pour the composition into a muffin tray, but make sure that the forms are less than half full. Don’t forget to grease the pan with oil to prevent the dough from sticking to the molds. You can also use silicone molds, which require less oil.
  • Bake the dough at 176 ° C (350 ° F) for 25 minutes. Try to use a low tray so that the buns can grow more easily.
  • Serve hot.

Other beneficial foods for those suffering from arthritis

Onions relieve the symptoms of arthritis

We already know that yucca is beneficial against arthritis, but there are other foods that fight the symptoms of this disease:

  • Turmeric (turmeric): This spice is an excellent remedy against inflammation and pain.
  • Salt water: It is rich in minerals that strengthen bones and joints.
  • Broccoli: is useful against inflammation and cancer, has anti-inflammatory properties and accelerates healing. Boil it until it softens, but be careful not to change its characteristic color.
  • Licorice: This plant acts as a natural cortisone, helping you avoid the unwanted side effects produced by regular medications.
  • Onion: reduces inflammation, while removing toxins accumulated in the kidneys.
  • Garlic: is a useful medicinal food against many diseases, including arthritis.
  • Green tea: This drink is rich in antioxidants and flavonodes that reduce inflammation.

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